Clayton Citizens for Community, your neighborhood association, is many things. We are individuals and families who share a neighborhood and common concerns. We want our community to be safe and secure for us and our children. We want to protect the value of our homes. We want to know each other and look out for one another. What we are not is a Homeowner' s Association with mandatory memberships and rigid rules and covenants.
Clayton Citizens for Community was born from a rash of burglaries in our community leaving the residents vulnerable and helpfless. There-by the efforts of Vice-President Chuck Stager, a meeting was held to address the issues with the Clayton County Sheriff's Department. From that meeting, we realized that a community association to address those issues beyond home security alone was imperative. Several residents came togetherand formed a committee to develope a community organization, known as the Clayton Citizens for Community. On December 7, 2007, the first meeting of the Clayton Citizens for Community took place. In the past years, Excutive meetings and Association Quarterly Meetings have taken place. Additionally, CCFC Newletters have been published to inform those residents that have not attended any meetings which issues have been discussed and their resolutions.
We hope that our message will encourage each homeowner, family and friends to make a difference by donating your time, talent and token of love by supporting the Clayton Citizens for Community; your neighborhood association. Let your voice be heard and may the laughter continue......
Andre Frye, Emeritus (Past President)
To consolidate and develop community involvement and betterment in Unincorporated Clayton County currently bordered by Clatyon State University, University Estates and Old Rex Road inclusive of the following streets - Twilight Trail, Oxford Drive, Yale Court and the north side of Old Rex Morrow Road.