.The Board of Commissioners holds regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in its Boardroom located at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia, unless postponed to a subsequent date by action taken at a regular meeting. Meetings shall be open to the public. The Board welcome public comment, however, to manage avaiable time, public comment will be limited to three (3) minues per speaker at each regular business meeting and work session . In no event shall the public comment period last longer than thirty minutes at any single meeting.. For questions regarding agendas, minutes, ordinances and resolutions, please contact Brenda James @770-477-4550 or Courtney Rushin @770-473-5744>>
Clayton County Commissioner Dr. Alieka Anderson, District 1, has previously served for th CC Board of Education District 8. Additionally, she served as the Vice-Chair of the board and has served in the capacity of Chairwomen from 2008-2010. Dr Anderson has experience as a teacher and administrator in K-12 education as an elementary school teacher and assistant principal. She believes that education starts at home and through a positive link between home and school our children can grow up to become roductive citizens in our ever-changing society.
Clayton County Commissioner Gail Hambrick has been a resident of Clayton County for over 30 years ans is deeply rooted in the community. She has two daughters and both are graduates of Fort Valley State Univerity. Commissioner Hamrick received the "Unsung Hero" Award presented by the State Legislative Black Caucus in 2007. Her memberships and communty involvement include CC Atlanta Project, Chairman of CC Tax Assessors Board, Clayton Countrywide Homeowners's Association, Co-Founder of CC Coalition for Quality Education , CC Transit Feasibility Study Group.<< New image with text >>
Commissioner Felicia Franklin Warner serves as Commissioner of District Three and as Vice Chair of the Clayton County Board of Commissioners. She serves as Board Member on the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authoritiy representing District 10. In her professional career, she specializes in real estate and insurance. Commissioner Warner is an active member of the Lake Spivey Rotary Club.<< New image with text >>
DuMont Davis is serving his firest term as a member of the Clayton County Board of Commissioners representing the citizens of District 4. Mr Davis is a local business owner of a Technology Enterprise Consulting firm which focuses on delivering academic solutions, as well as, strategic development and technical training. He has over 30 years of software development and business consulting experience. He successfully provided invaluable product and services in areas of application development, object oriented programming, strategic planning, database development and bid data concepts to various Fortune 100 companies<< New image with text >>
Was deputy chief but was appointed to the Chief, CCPD. Has served as the deputy chief over field operation. Has commanded the Uniform Patrol Division and the Criminal Investigations Division at the CCPD. As for his role as chief, Roberts said it involved good managment of his employees and the protection of the citizens of Clayton County
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MORROW CITY COUNCIL - Meets the 2d and 4th Tuesday of every month. Work Sessions may begin as early as 5:30 p.m. on the 2d Tuesday and 6:30 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday.